Language Classes 語言課程


English Phonics and Oral Class


  • 增強英語溝通能力

  • 提升說英語的自信心

  • 透過不同互動訓練強化學生發音技巧

對象:3 - 5歲 / 6 - 10歲
導師:外籍老師 / 英文老師
時間:60分鐘 / 節
費用:$420 ( 小組 ) ; $720 ( 個人 )

Course description: The target of the course is to enrich children’s vocabularies, develop phonetic Skills, strengthen communication ability, and presentation skills. It helps students to build confidence in speaking English. Lessons include games, role-play, story telling, and lots of FUN!

  • Enhance oral communication skills

  • Boost confidence in speaking English

  • Practice and utilise English phonetic skills in various class activities

Target : 3 - 5 years old / 6 - 10 years old
Instructor : Native Speaker Teacher / English Teacher
Duration : 60 mins/ session
Fee : $420 ( Group ) ; $720 ( Individual )

English Writing & Reading Class

課程簡介:將文法應用於寫作訓練 , 以提升學生的寫作手法及技巧。 它涵蓋眾多文體類別的閱讀理解和寫作練習 ,包括:信函、日記、故事、新聞報導和傳記等。鼓勵學生繪製腦圖及跟從四步法:草擬大綱 - 相關練習 - 整合資料 - 豐富知識來創建學習思維。學生將會透過文體分析,構思內容,寫作過程及組織段落來強化創造力以撰寫文章 ; 並且能夠提高其人物創作及修改文章的技術。

對象:3-5歲 /6-10歲
時間:60分鐘 / 節
費用:$420 ( 小組 ) ; $720 ( 個人 )

This course aims to brush up students’ writing skills and techniques by putting grammar and writing into practice. It covers reading comprehension and writing exercises on different text styles, including: formal letters , diary , stories , news reports and autobiography etc. Students are encouraged to draw a mind map and follow a four-step approach: Planning-Practice-Consolidation-Enrichment. Students will develop their creativity by working on genre analysis, idea generation, writing process and structural techniques. They will also develop character creation skills and editing techniques.

Target : 3-5 years old /6-10 years old
Duration : 60 mins/ session
Fee: $420 ( Group ) ; $720 ( Individual )